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Built in 1896 and currently operating as a bed and breakfast, this immaculate dwelling of red brick with limestone corners boasts a brick tower resembling that of a medieval  castle. One can experience the romance and lore of the site first hand.

Known among Lake Superior mariners as the "loneliest lighthouse in the United States", this lighthouse completed in 1882 resulted from the discovery by Cap't Charles C. Stannard of a mile long reef submerged just below the water surface 50 miles off shore from Marquette. Today, charter captains safely escort visitors to tour and fish .

Visitors approaching this 1868 built light station located eleven miles northeast of Marquette and six miles offshore are awestruck to see this beautifully crafted cut stone structure on 2-1/2 acres of granite cliffs. This, now privately owned historic landmark has undergone extensive restoration.

This fully automated working lighthouse, built in 1868 beckons the visitor from its majestic position on the highest crest on the West side of the Huron Islands, midway between Big Bay & L'Anse and about three miles North of the Lake Superior shoreline.

With its red beacon still guiding ships, the Presque Isle Harbor Breakwater Light continues its work throughout the day and night. Visitors can enjoy the walk through the
beautiful Presque Isle Park and view the towering light located at the end of a rugged stoned breakwater

The Marquette South Breakwater Light was reach by tunnel from shore to the end of the pier; though this solved weather problems, the tunnel was still considered to be too dangerous and was eventually sealed. A new pier was constructed for the present light.

This currently active Coast Guard resident station, is one of the most picturesque and photographed on Lake Superior.
Built in 1853, with the light tower built in 1866, it
rests on an expansive stone bluff. This bright red
structure dominates the horizon and the adjoining
square tower looks boldly out towards Lake Superio

For more information please contact the Marquette Maritime Museum at 906-226-2006.

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